Wednesday, March 17, 2010

One thing I forgot - there is a Weereewa Festival of Lake George being celebrated between 18-28 March and included in this years "Winds of Change" is "Windwash" initiated project from the Megalo Print Studio Project - where we have had artists in the community and surrounding district printing tea towels to be hung across the lake and around venues in Bungendore. It is a fun project and Megalo had two days inviting artists to bring their artwork and have it exposed onto a screen printing screen and printed on to a tea towel, for a cost of $10. I volunteered to help on the two days lending a hand with the printing, and anything that needed doing. I went back to Megalo last week and printed my own tea towel. Here is a print of it and a copy of the original photograph.

I haven't written for a while, been busy in other directions. Last week I was tidying up the vegie garden getting it ready for winter plantings, and I noticed some beautiful old withered pumpkin leaves, I spread these out as they weren't brittle and dry and took some pictures. I also took some from the old plum tree and my beautiful rusty chains - they make a real statement of imprisonment.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

This poor wee creature was unfortunate to be trapped in the chicken wire. Imagine it’s plight when it couldn’t free itself, and the agony of being pinned in the wire net. How often do we find ourselves in situations where we feel trapped by our way of life and feel we cannot escape, it envelops us in our minds and lives, often ending like the bat in death.