Sunday, October 14, 2012

I belong to a group called NETS,  it is a group of artists who connect by meeting and discussing art and having exhibitions. It was the idea of local artist, Nancy Tingey, and was taken up by Valerie Kirk who is head of the Textile Workshop at the School of Art, ANU, Canberra, and we linked up with the University of Cumbria in the UK and the University of Turka in Finland.
Our latest exhibition, Networks was held at the Belconnen Gallery in August 2012.
This exhibition explored issues around social, political and ecological themes relating to nets and networks.
Eighteen artists from the group participated in this exhibition.
Jacque Schultze curated the exhibition and expertly made every work not only stand out but blend in with the other works in the gallery.
Capilliary Network 1

Capilliary Netwowrk 2

Capilliary Network 3


Anonymous said...

looks fantastic Ola
cheers Bev

Katherine said...

Can you tell me anything about what materials you used to make these distressed fiber bowls? I'm looking for artists using melted synthetic fibers to show to my elementary school class.